Aqualia adapts to the challenges of today's society (climatic, technological, digital and social) with research and development that: 

  • They rely on open innovation, collecting external and internal stimuli that contribute to the development of projects, from the identification of opportunities to the implementation of the results and their assessment.
  • They involve all the organisation's staff and interested parties, with a particular emphasis on highly specialist people exclusively dedicated to innovation.
  • They are integrated into European, national and regional R&D&I support programs, enhancing Aqualia projects, multiplying their impact and the company's assets.
  • They focus on results, through an organizational methodology and a management system to obtain new products and processes, optimizing and protecting their value.

Thus, innovation projects support the company's activity to achieve the sustainable development goals (SDG) of the United Nations with special emphasis on affordable and high-quality water and sanitation service (SDG 6), an optimized energy balance (SDG 7) without affecting the climate (SDG 13) and responsible production and consumption (SDG 12). To materialize this strategy, we work along six main lines that are detailed below. 

Sustainable Purification


Reuse, drinking water production and sustainable desalination


Sustainability and energy efficiency


Circular economy and biofactories


Industrial Waters


Digital developments
