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> My bill
What am I paying for in my bill?
What am I paying for in my bill?
Our commitment to transparency
The processes and resources (collection of water in the environment, its conversion into potable water, delivery to the home and return to nature) that allow you to have access to quality water comprise a whole series of factors that are reflected in the various components of your water bill (water, treatment, upgrade levy, sanitation and disposal).
What does a customer pay for? Much more than a product, a service.
The invoice received by each customer consists of three amounts:
- Service charge: This includes two amounts, one for the supply of water (the water that reaches the home) and one for sanitation (water that goes through the drainage system).
- Usage.
- Investment. The purpose of this investment is to maintain the sewer system and water infrastructure
At aqualia, there are three procedures for calculating each consumption in a reliable manner without errors. The most frequently-used procedure consists of calculating differences in meter readings. As this is not always possible, one can also estimate consumption; to do this, invoices for similar periods in the previous two years are used. The third option is to conduct an assessment of consumption, a method used when the meter is out of order or one annual meter reading has been possible.
On a much more general level, when calculating the price of water in different countries the availability, quality and volume of water resources, as well as population density, are taken into account.
In Spain, average household water consumption is 171 litres per person per day, according to the INE. However, the European Water Association (EWA) has calculated that on average, each person in Spain consumes 265 litres of water per day. It is difficult to obtain reliable data on household water consumption; nevertheless, regardless of which figure is used, Spain is one of the world’s leading consumers of water per head of population. Moreover, according to the International Water Association (IWA), Spain is one of the five cheapest countries in the EU in terms of water prices.
The Water Framework Directive (2000/60/CE) is the document that determines water policy in countries of the EU. It specifies that the price charged to consumers must cover the total cost of supply. The directive aims to promote the sustainable use of water and to improve the condition of aquatic ecosystems. This would mean that the price we pay for water should include the cost of works carried out to preserve aquatic environments where waste water is disposed of.