A unique company


The social objective of Aqualia focuses on the collection of water, its adaptation for human consumption, distribution and after-treatment, to ultimately return it to nature in adequate volume and quality, carrying out an efficient and sustainable usage of the resources and materials used in the process.

Aqualia's strategy is guided towards the end consumer with a particular emphasis on the quality of the supplied product. This is why the company focuses on making sure that the water reaches the user with maximum quality by conducting thorough analyses in the company's laboratories.

Another strategic pillar is the close relationship we have with our clients. For this purpose, Aqualia has set up a multi-channel system that offers completely interactive communication channels (face-to-face, telephone and online).

Corporate Social Responsibility


Our vision

  • Ensuring complete, honest and transparent behaviour
  • Extending corporate values to the entire value chain
  • Maintaining an active dialogue and responding to skateholders

Aqualia regards Corporate Responsibility (CR) as the implementation of a business model that, as well as adding value to the company and guaranteeing the necessary profitability and competitiveness, actively boosts the company's progress, and instils trust and drums up support among its main stakeholders: Public administrations, organisations, media, users, suppliers, employees and society in general.

The company defines its model based on the principles of action of the FCC Group to which it belongs: connecting with the public, implementing intelligent services and engaging in exemplary conduct by the company and all of its employees.

Innovation and close relationship with clients


Our vision

  • Providing the best Service according to the needs of citizens
  • Ensuring máximum quality of the water and Service provided. Betting for transparency in the information provided to users
  • Betting for transparency in the information provided to users
  • Maintaining the commitment to innovation and new technologies

The actions carried out by Aqualia in 2015 were geared towards the end client with a particular emphasis on the quality of communication channels.

The completely interactive nature of these channels (face-to- face, telephone, online) allows the client to communicate through whichever means and have their needs attended to in real time.

The company also upholds a solid commitment to citizens to continually improve the quality of service provided, comprehensively monitoring all activities and working towards improving the quality of supplied water and towards implementing innovative projects that represent considerable progress in the service and its sustainability.

Innovation: Intelligent management, Sustainability, Quality; Water quality: Certified quality, Actions to improve the service, Comitment to quality throughout the value chain; Billing and Consumption: Transparent bill, Remote meter reading, Smart meters; Client Support: Multi-channel system

People: Our greatest asset


Our vision

  • Encouraging the development of human potential
  • Strengthening a culture that encourages appropriate measures to improve the organizational climate based on mutual respect and teamwork conditions
  • Ensuring commitment to diversity and gender equality
  • Ensuring a safe and healthy workplace

Aqualia has developed four main lines of action in the area of Human Resources: professional development, internal communication, occupational.

Equality and diversity: No to gender-based violence, Support for female talent, Equality Plan; Professional development: Support for Dual Vocational Training, Support for employment, Compoetence-based selection, Training; Health at work: Recognition, Implementation of preventive management, Drop in work-related absenteeism, Internal communication: Aqualia ONE, News flashes, "Your Flash" Newsletter

Sustainable environmental management


Our vision

  • Upholding our commitment to protect the environment and combat climate change
  • Striving to achieve sustainable development with measures to reduce the environmental impact
  • Efficiently managing all natural resources, especially water
  • Sensitize the public about the importance of responsible water use

Aqualia recognises the economic, social and, above all, environmental value of water, the element at the core of the company's activity; this is why one of its main aims is to ensure this resource is managed with special care and respect for the environment in order to achieve sustainability.

To make sure this aim is met, the company strategically implements best environmental practices in its daily work, and develops actions aimed at adequately protecting the environment while carrying out its activity, such as the offsetting of the carbon footprint, monitoring energy consumption and promoting the importance of the water footprint, among others.

Adequate environmental management: Carbon footprint, Water Footprint, Compliance with Energy Efficency Directive; Concern for the environment and society: We do not want to leave a footprint, Clean-up of Estany des Peix, European Life Memory Project

Serving society


Our vision

  • Incorporating social commitment into all Company decisions
  • Contributing to the development of municipalities where the company operates
  • Ensuring citizens see us as company that provides value to their town
  • Involving employees in social causes through participation in sporting, cultural and educational activities

Beyond end-to-end water management, in 2015 Aqualia launched actions geared towards connecting with the citizen-centred population, creating value and addressing the needs of today's society and anticipating the needs of society in the future.

Activities that raise awareness among the general population and the youngest generations in particular with the aim of guaranteeing the sustainability of such a valuable resource. The company has also focused its attention on supporting sport and the most vulnerable and needy groups.

Sport: Organisation, participation and promotion of sporting events; Childhood and youth: Education and raising awareness; Social Action: Committed to society; University and culture: Participaton in forums and seminars and collaborating with educational institutes and universities