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Aqualia begins operations in Peru with a Wastewater Treatment Project in Chincha Province

Aqualia, the end-to-end water cycle management company, begins its operations in Peru after years of market research to bring its expertise and knowledge to the Andean country. The company has been selected for the design, financing, construction, operation, and maintenance of a Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) in Chi...


Water calls on industry and innovation to develop resilient infrastructure

En el noveno aniversario de la declaración de los 17 ODS, Naciones Unidas pone el foco en el ODS 9, que pretende construir infraestructuras resilientes, promover la industrialización sostenible y fomentar la innovación. Aqualia se adhiere un año más al compromiso y pone en valor los proyectos y acciones concretas con l...


Aqualia will develop four PERTE water projects in the Canary Islands, Cantabria, Ciudad Real and Asturias

The provisional resolution of the second call for the Strategic Projects for Economic Recovery and Transformation (PERTE) for the digitalisation of the water cycle contemplates funds for four projects participated by Aqualia in different Spanish municipalities.


Investors and analysts endorse Aqualia's strong financial position

Georgia Global Utilities JSC ("GGU"), Aqualia's subsidiary in Georgia, has successfully completed the issuance of a 5-year green bond in the amount of 300 million dollars. This company has put in place a Green Financing Framework to channel investment into new and existing projects and assets that support sustainable d...


Aqualia will operate Ibiza's three desalination plants as a consortium

The Balearic Water and Environmental Quality Agency (Abaqua) has awarded the consortium formed by Aqualia and Acciona, the contract for the operation, maintenance and conservation of the three desalination plants on Ibiza for the next four years, which can be extended for a further year. In total, the contract amounts ...


Water digitalisation and planning, challenges for the sector to foster a development cascade effect

On World Water Day, which is celebrated this Friday 22nd March, the United Nations underlines the value of water, not only as a usable resource, but also as an engine for development and well-being. Under the slogan "Water for peace", the organisation proposes coordinated action in this area to create a positive cascad...


Santiago Lafuente, Aqualia's new CEO

El Consejo de Administración de Aqualia ha nombrado CEO de la compañía a Santiago Lafuente Pérez-Lucas, que hasta ahora ocupaba la posición de director para España, tras más de 30 años ligado al grupo de servicios ciudadanos. El nombramiento de Santiago Lafuente será efectivo el próximo 9 de abril de 2024.


Aqualia Enters US Market

Aqualia, in keeping with its strategy for international growth, has acquired a controlling stake in the company Municipal District Services, LLC (MDS), that manages the end-to-end water cycle for more than 364,000 people on the outskirts of Houston and has approximately 140 service agreements with Municipal Utility Dis...


Aqualia sees the positive impact of its green finance recognised

Aqualia has just received the "Impact project/investment of the year 2023" award from the Environmental Finance publication. The award recognises "the large-scale and diverse geographic impact" of the €1.1 billion green syndicated loan that the company received in 2022 from ten banks led by CaixaBank.


Aqualia and FCCCo complete the expansion of Glina WWTP (Bucharest, Romania)

Aqualia, in consortium with FCC Construction and Suez, has completed the remodelling and expansion project of the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) of Glina, a municipality near Bucharest, capital of Romania. The execution of the WWTP expansion and improvement works has posed a great technical challenge since it has be...