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Irrigation communities
Irrigation communities
Experience and expertise
aqualia provides solutions for irrigation infrastructure at all phases:
- Planning
- Construction
- Financing
- Operation
Experience, resources and management skills assume special importance when it comes to irrigation. This is an area in which aqualia has various projects in progress to improve performance in a particular area of the relevant region.
As part of its commitment to water user associations that dates back more than a decade, it develops tools that modernise irrigation operations, optimise water resources and improve efficiency in the use of the same.
The focus on innovative solutions and sustainable development as part of the modernisation of irrigation has resulted in the creation of SISGRE, an integral management system that facilitates optimal control of all assets of each water user association.
SISGRE (Sistema de Gestión para Regantes) is the product of the combination of the technological contribution of CADIC, SA via the Spanish platform LATINO GIS, and the management capabilities and broad-ranging experience of aqualia as a company expert in the integral water cycle.
aqualia is currently the largest irrigation maintenance and operation company in Catalonia; it provides services to the water user association network in Palma d’Ebre (Tarragona), the water user association in Garrigues Sud and the water user association of Torres de Segre, in Lleida, as well as the integral management of facilities for irrigators in the water user association of Les Planes y Les Aixelelles, in Flix (Tarragona), Segriá Sud and the region of La Saira. Also of note is the construction and operation of a most unique project of great magnitude such as the Segarra-Garrigues irrigation system, the largest and most important irrigation system in Catalonia.
Furthermore, its irrigation portfolio includes Castilla-La Mancha (water user association of Los Auriles in Tomelloso), Andalucia (improvements to irrigation in Campo de Níjar-Rambla Morales, in Almeria; the expansion of the San Rafael water user association in Villa del Río, and the modernisation and improvement of the Santa Rafaela Maria water user association in Pedro Abad, Córdoba) and Extremadura (water user association of Zújar, Badajoz).